Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

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Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

Inquiring about the swiftest method of travel within Minecraft PE would prompt my resolute endorsement of portals. The Portal Gun addon, fashioned after the video game, introduces specific elements and mechanics into our gaming realm. The pivotal facet of these portal armaments lies in their capability to form linked gateways, thereby enabling the transfer of players, blocks, or entities. The most commendable attribute of this modification is its precise adherence to the physics governing portal dynamics.

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+


To conjure a blue portal, simply align your aim and initiate a gentle tap – a subsequent tap engenders an orange counterpart. Shifting into Black Hole mode necessitates directing your gaze skyward while in first-person view, followed by a tap. This mode draws entities in and ultimately leads to their termination.

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

When grasping the Portal Gun, downwardly direct your line of sight and fire to activate the Gravity Gun mode. This apparatus empowers you to manipulate blocks within the air and project them.

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

The following roster enumerates the blocks that enjoy compatibility:

  • Obsidian
  • Grass block
  • Redstone Block
  • Gravel
  • Stone
  • Void
  • Dirt
  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Andesite

The Potato Cannon, a device possessing the ability to generate portals and reposition blocks, holds a prominent place within this augmentation.

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

Moreover, I am privy to the formula detailing the assembly of Rick’s portal weapon.

Portal Gun Addon 1.20+

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