Bum Crops Add-on

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Bum Crops Add-on

Here are the revised and uniquely rewritten details about gardening in MCPE:

Gardening in Minecraft PE provides valuable statistics that can aid players in obtaining food without the need for hunting when they’re feeling a bit lazy. While the standard list of crops may seem limited, the Bum Crops addon offers a solution by introducing an expansion pack.

With add-on, players gain access to an impressive array of 27 new plant species. Each plant comes with its unique set of seeds, cultivation methods, and even brewing capabilities, among other features. Allow me to elaborate further on this exciting addition.

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

The newly introduced crops encompass a diverse range, including:


Bum Crops Add-on


Bum Crops Add-on


Bum Crops Add-on


Bum Crops Add-on


Bum Crops Add-on
Red Cabbage,

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Smoke Leaf,

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on
Peach, and Pear.

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on
These additions greatly enrich the selection available to players.

Additionally, the update incorporates an assortment of recipes, a brand new merchant, and an expanded brewing system. Players can now delve into the world of herbal tea and explore the synthesis of maple-based concoctions. The introduction of new doors further enhances the aesthetic and functionality of in-game structures.

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Bum Crops Add-on

Moreover, players will encounter a helpful companion in the form of a Helper Golem, and various bugs have been rectified, ensuring a smoother gaming experience. The update also introduces unique effects, further diversifying the gameplay.

Bum Crops Add-on

In summary, the latest version of Minecraft PE brings forth numerous improvements and expansions to the gardening aspect. The inclusion of more plants, the ability to collect maple protein, the addition of a helpful mob, new doors, a wider range of recipes, unique effects, and bug fixes all contribute to an enhanced gaming experience.

Bum Crops Add-on

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