Bedrock Barricades Add-on
Download DownloadOn numerous maps, various buildings are depicted as abandoned structures, with players using all available blocks and items for this purpose. However, the results may often appear subpar. To address this, consider utilizing the Bedrock Barricades addon.
Once this mod is installed, it introduces a variety of blocks suitable for decorating houses in the game, particularly those with an abandoned theme. This allows you to craft your own unique buildings using these new items in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create these items:
Begin by crafting a Schematic.
Place the Schematic on a new Workbench.
You’ll find a selection of items available, including:
Drawers: 9 different options to choose from.
Spikes: 10 variations for a variety of uses.
Boards for door and window openings.
Iron barricade.
Concrete barricade.
Barrels: 2 distinct options to incorporate.
With these additional elements at your disposal, you can now enhance your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience by designing and constructing more authentic and captivating abandoned buildings on your maps. Enjoy the creative process!