Minecraft for Android
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Hell of an update to MCPE with a bunch of fresh features: meet the items and mobs.
Wait for it!
Everyone has been expecting for this renovate, because Bedrock has attached Nether aspects from Java. Read details in main article, here we cover the modern stuff.
Respawn Anchor
Remains of Bastions
Basalt Deltas
Black Stone
Ruined Portals
Bastion-Remnants are large structures in Netherworld. This is where Piglins live and protect their treasures. Come in 4 types. Screenshots:
Back at Minecon 2019, Mojang announced that emojis appear. In the character editor there is a new tab «Emotions».
Right now single is free. List of reaction will be replenished.
In addition to hellish-features, important changes and fixes have been done. More than 50 improvements were made.
Prices of goods and villagers have become the same as in Java-version
Edited sounds for honey blocks
Creepers do damage again if they explode while on a boat
Improved underwater music
Layout for server-tabs
Before logging into server, you can see information: description, photos, available modes, news
Player kicking-system: /kick nickname reason;
Bans system;
Melody and «pigstep» record;
Blue fire;
Quartz bricks;
Jigsaw-Block Puzzle. How to get it:
/give @s jigsaw;
Command /spawnpoint is used in the Nether-dimension
Game not crash after a bed explosion in Underworld
Accumulated experience is no longer lost after restarting the program
Iron Golem gait
Trading with Piglin
Vines, chains, and soul speed
Hoglins and piglins now have noises
Compass is renamed if you charge it to Magnetite