Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

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Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

Isn’t it peculiar that Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) lacks a visible indication of the damage inflicted on enemies? To address this issue, the game developers propose resolving it with the introduction of the Damage Indicators mod.

Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

Upon striking a mob, a bar will appear above its head, providing a clear depiction of the creature’s current health status. This addon effectively showcases the level of health and damage incurred by the mob. Users are given the option to choose between two indicator display styles: the number of hearts or the classic role-playing strip.

The mod offers several key features:

It enables control over the character’s HP (health points).
It disappears when using invisibility.
The indicator is drawn at a specific distance.
It does not interfere with the attainment of achievements in Minecraft Bedrock Edition (MCBE).
Moreover, the mod allows for customization, allowing users to tailor it to their preferred level of informativeness.

Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

Damage Indicators Add-on 1.20+

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